Stop Enforcing These Dumb Office Rules That Make People Quit

If you want success, you’ve got to stop doing certain things. And, these include enforcing dumb office rules. Let’s face it, there are a number of do’s and don’ts in the workplace we all seem to recognize as unnecessary. But, for some strange reason, we follow tradition — even when it’s doesn’t really make sense. Giving into the “ways it’s always been notion” simply hinders us in different ways. Okay, rules are fundamental in business but too many rules stifles your employees.

5 Most Hated Office Rules that Drive Employees Crazy

Think about it this way — more freedom means more business. Put another way, the more rules applied, the less freedom your team members enjoy. That’s simply creates artificial barriers they must overcome. Which means, it’s a waste of time (and ultimately money) and that’s not going to propel your business forward. When there are less rules, there’s more enthusiasm. Fewer rules also means more creativity.

Companies need to have rules—that’s a given—but they don’t have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order. When companies create ridiculous and demoralizing rules to halt the outlandish behavior of a few individuals, it’s a management problem. There’s no sense in alienating your entire workforce because you don’t know how to manage performance. It makes a bad situation that much worse. —Entrepreneur

Now, there are reasonable rules. It might apply to workplace social media use. Or, about limiting overtime. But, there are probably at least a few rules that your employees hate. These cause unnecessary stress and can easily become too overwhelming. If rules are stringent enough, you might lose good talent. Obviously, you need to retain the best talent and attract more. But some rules will make that quite problematic to achieve. Here are five of the most hated office rules that drive employees crazy:

  • Time off rules. We all get sick, tired, and have personal needs. So, if an employee doesn’t feel well, don’t make it a bigger burden by requiring a doctor’s note. And, be flexible. If an employee feels lying is the best way to take a personal day off, there’s something wrong. Treat your employees with respect and you’ll definitely reap the rewards.
  • Approval rules. Try this thought experiment — every time you make a purchase decision or other kind of decision in your personal life, stop to consider how productive it would be to seek an approval. Now, there are reasonable limits but you should trust employees to do what’s in the best interest of the company.
  • Performance rules. Performance evaluations aren’t necessarily the best use of time. In fact, there are plenty of good arguments they just drive people nuts. What’s more, these are often dreaded, boring routines. So, ask yourself if you really need performance rules to meet performance guidelines to reward someone during a performance evaluation.
  • Internet use rules. Unless you’re dealing with super-secret information, there’s really little to no need for internet rules. Your team already knows what is and what isn’t acceptable. Give them the power to do the right thing and they’ll feel respected.
  • On-site attendance rules. The office isn’t always the best place to get things done. Sometimes, working from home or outside the office is better. Requiring people to be in the office or on-site from this time until that time daily simply won’t produce the best results.

What hated office rules have you eliminated? Which office rules do you find the most productive? Please share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a comment!

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