How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

Social media can really become a workplace problem. And, it’s always a good idea to have an effective social media employee policy. But, it is also one of the most powerful marketing tools business have at their disposal. It’s free. It can potentially reach thousands to tens of thousands of people. Plus, it’s very easy to use. Well, that’s not always the case because some businesses actually don’t quite know how to use it correctly.

Why Social Media is an Important Business Tool

Social media is an important business marketing tool because it’s part of our day-to-day lives. The vast majority of consumers are on at least one or two platforms. Therefore, the exposure is far and wide. It’s not just about branding and marketing outright, either. Social media offers customers yet another contact and engagement point.

Customers should know you are serious about promoting your company, about announcing when there is a new milestone, about company news that might make them want to buy a product, not just laugh at a video. They need to see effort, not occasional hits. —

There are plenty of instances where companies have used social media to their advantages. (Of course, there are plenty of examples where companies have publicly dropped the ball.) But, more often, social media is an avenue to build a following. The more followers, the more interest and sales a business receives.

How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

To really tap into the power of social media, you should know some basic ground rules. If you’re going to make it work for you, it’s important to understand how to go about it. Otherwise, you’ll simply be wasting your time. Here are some helpful tips for how to use social media to promote your business:

  • Make all profiles uniform. Most businesses set-up more than one social media account. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are among the most popular. Whatever platforms fit your business, they should all be uniform. In other words, present the same “face.” The same profile picture, the same bio or about, and so on. This provides a seamless experience and avoids confusing people.
  • Provide value. Whatever you share, it should have some sort of value. Be it advice or just good for a laugh. And, you should always use the 1-in-7 rule — one post overtly promotes your business, the other six provide valuable information.
  • Showcase your expertise. It’s always a good idea to periodically share insider information. (No, not the kind that goes against insider trading rules.) Rather, the kind of information the average person does not know or know much about.
  • Ask questions that beg answers. The whole point of social media marketing for business is to get users to engage. So, ask questions that are conversation starters. And, when people respond, be sure to interact.
  • Use images to your advantage. It’s a well known fact that posts with images gain a whole lot more attention than text-only posts. Use interesting, mood-evoking images for the best results.

How do you use social media to promote your business? What techniques work best for you? Please share your thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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Network Event Do’s and Don’ts

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To accomplish this simple, yet challenging feat, you ought to know the do’s and don’ts of event networking. Network Event Do’s Go prepared. You ought to have a brief list of topics to discuss and/or experiences to share. It’s okay to go over these out loud and practice introducing yourself. Just don’t practice too much, or, it will sound rehearsed and artificial. Keep one hand free at all times. Keep your dominant hand free of snacks, drinks, and other objects. You’ll be able to freely shake hands without having an awkward moment to find a place to temporarily set something down. Know who to approach. Just because someone is standing alone doesn’t mean you ought to rush over to approach. Take a moment to read his or her face and body language. When you do make eye contact, confidently approach and introduce yourself. Look for opportunities to offer help. One of the most powerful and likable gestures is to ask questions and offer your assistance. Only offer to help when it’s realistic and be sure to follow-up. Don’t make the mistake of over-promising or over-extending. Network Event Don’ts Believe collecting business cards is a measure of success. Remember, the purpose of attending these events is to meet people — not just to collect business cards. If that’s all you accomplish, the whole exercise is for naught. Be on the lookout for someone else while speaking with another. If you do have the misfortune of getting into a boring conversation, find a gracious and courteous way to excuse yourself. What you should avoid is awkwardly scanning the room for someone else to speak with to break away. Try to impress others with jargon or facts. Using big words, insider jargon, or trying to impress with a barrage of facts is a turn off. It’s pretentious and tells others you lack self confidence. What’s more, it keeps you from having a genuine conversation. Speak over or interrupt others. This sounds obvious, but, it’s something that can be unintentional when you’re nervous. When you do approach someone else and introduce yourself, be courteous, ask polite questions, and listen. Yes, the purpose of attending Network Events is ultimately to acquire new business. However, do not go to a Network Event if that is your initial purpose. Your priority for attending a Network Event is to develop Relationships which you can foster over time into a business opportunity with that connection or with someone they introduce to you. Minimize your agenda, and spend time listening and asking the other person questions about themselves and their business. Show them genuine interest and watch how your relationship moves to trust even during the Network Event. Isn’t it more rewarding to leave a Network Event with 3 or 4 really good, meaningful connections where both of you developed a relationship and can follow up after the event to further explore opportunities together? 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