3 Biggest Signs of Early Startup Success

It’s not always easy to know where you stand. Sure, you’ve made it this far and there doesn’t appear to be any big trouble on the horizon. In fact, things are going quite well. Yet, you wonder if it’s just a matter of perception. Or, is your startup really going to make it? Well, there is no guarantee. But, that certainly doesn’t mean you can’t size the situation up at all. There are a few ways to tell if your startup is on its way to success.

Why Most Startups Fail

Of course, you should first know what causes most startups to fail. Perhaps the largest reason is they run out of cash. Investors only give so much, both in money and time. If you’re burning through cash and there’s little or no profit, you’re obviously running a really big risk of going out of business. Another reason startups fail is due to a lack of clear strategy. Put another way, they don’t know the way and don’t have a concrete idea of how to go from one goal to another.

Most startups fail. But there is a common thread among some of the most successful startups: Consumers, not investors or tech blogs, find them first. A few examples: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Most recently: Snapchat.
Business Insider.com

Then, there’s tons of bad advice. It’s out there and if you take the wrong advice, you’ll probably see the consequences quickly. That’s your chance to act and change course to make it a lesson learned. Another reason why startups fail is the market moves in an unexpected way. They just aren’t prepared for contingencies. Or, fail to make necessary adjustments when needed.

3 Biggest Signs of Early Startup Success

But, how do you know when you’re on the right track? What tells you that things are not only going well, but likely to continue in a good direction? Here are the three biggest signs of early startup success to lookout for:

  • Positive cash flow. It’s no mistake the first factor in failure is due to lack of cash. If your company is bringing in cash and making a profit (that is, your intake minus your expenses), then you’re definitely off to a good start.
  • Customers find you. Take a quick look at the quote above and let that thought sink in for a moment. If customers are finding you without you having to identify and chase them down, you’re fulfilling a crucial need and that’s a really good thing.
  • Rhythmic, rock solid team. Another sign a startup is on the right path is when it’s crew recognizes they work well together and work toward goals as a team for the good of all. It means the right people are in the right positions and that’s a huge factor in success.

What other signs signal a startup will succeed? Or, what might happen which means there’s trouble ahead? Please share you thoughts and experiences by commenting!

Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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