New to Hiring, Here’s How to Spot Resume Red Flags

It’s often said the first hire is the hardest, and that’s inescapably true for several reasons. Foremost, it’s because when you hire an employee, you’re hiring someone to represent your business. Which is to say, you’re entrusting them with your company’s entire reputation. Then, there’s the matter of consistency, even if that person has the competence. In other words, being able to do the job well over and over again. But, that’s not all, your first hire must be cost effective, helping your business to earn more than it did before. So, it’s no wonder business owners procrastinate as long as they can, putting off their first hire.

What Resumes Are (and Aren’t)

Of course, there’s the conundrum of where to begin and finding a good fit. This is where the resume comes into play, although you may not be very familiar with qualifying a person’s capabilities from a sheet or couple of sheets of paper. On average, hiring professionals spend just 7 seconds looking over each resume. That’s not a lot of time, and especially seems short if you’re doing it for the first time.
Do you know who you are hiring? You need to review each resume, cover letter and job application that you receive with care. You want to ensure that the candidates you consider hiring are who they say they are and that their credentials are valid and match your needs. —The Balance Careers
The good news is, you can get a lot out of just about any resume, if you know what to look for. Obviously, you have to start with an understanding of what a resume is and what it isn’t. A resume is simply a summary of a person’s qualifications and their competencies, along with their work history. That’s about it, what a resume isn’t, is a tell-all that will reveal all a person’s strengths and weaknesses.

How to Spot Resume Red Flags

The simple fact of the matter is that a resume only provides the information the applicant furnishes. Meaning, it will only tell you what the applicant wants you to know. However, this doesn’t mean it can’t give you some very key clues that you can use to your advantage. Here are the biggest red flags resumes can reveal:
  • Inexplicable or unexplained gaps. A resume with big gaps, particularly between positions, is one that tells you a whole lot. Someone who has large gaps between jobs is likely an applicant you’d probably be better off without.
  • Rock star qualifications. Conversely, if an applicant’s resume is packed with too much good news, it’s probably too good to be true. A resume with a cornucopia of qualifications is likely full of exaggerations, embellishments, half-truths, and more misleading information.
  • tOO mAny TyPoes. Poor spelling, bad grammar, sloppy punctuation spell b-a-d n-e-w-s. If someone doesn’t pay close attention to the way they present his or her self on paper, he or she isn’t really interested impressing potential employers.
Of course, these aren’t the only red flags you might find on a resume. Applicants who send their resumes from current employers’ email systems are telegraphing they’re not respectful of others’ time and resources. Unusual employment histories are also a red flag. People who hop from one industry to another do so for reasons that should concern you. What other red flags do you look for on resumes? Please take a quick moment to share your experiences and thoughts. After all, your perspective just might help someone else out! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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