Business Succession Pros and Cons

If you are part of a family business, and don’t have anyone related to pass it onto, you might consider a business succession plan as an option. Business secession is the process of transferring the company over to a new group of owners and/or operators. It could be anyone, from a competitor, to a family friend who’d like to take over the business. Regardless, it means turning over the reins to another person or party. So, it’s best to have a fundamental understanding of the process itself and its net effects.

Business Succession Advantages

Perhaps the biggest benefit of succession planning is knowing who will continue the business, particularly if you’re concerned about maintaining its good reputation. Additionally, it also motivates employees to do their best, because those with key roles who will run the company in the future will most definitely take their responsibilities seriously.
If you were a business owner who was considering putting your company on the market but decided not to sell (or at least not anytime soon), what steps should be you taking now? The goals are to ensure preservation of the current business, as well as provide for an orderly and stable future transition when the proper time to sell arrives. —Kiplinger
Yet another advantage of business secession is having peace of mind as to what happens to the company after you retire, or in the event you become disabled or die. (This is not only true for you as the current owner, but also, for your customers.) Plus, it helps to put in place processes that are known quantities, and therefore sets the successors up for a successful future.

Business Succession Disadvantages

Of course, there are drawbacks to everything, including business succession planning and eventual execution. Here are the three most common downsides of business succession you should know about:
  • Turnover. Not everyone inside the business will receive a key role in the future. That can damage company morale once the plan is revealed to the company at-large. Moreover, it could cause good people to leave for other opportunities.
  • No guarantees. Even if every single aspect is outlined and detailed, this does not guarantee the business will continue to be successful. After all, turning over the management means relinquishing leadership, which opens the possibility of failure. At the very least, a risk the business will suffer instead of flourish.
  • Inappropriate strategy. Perhaps the most disconcerting thing about succession planning is the very real possibility of selecting the wrong people to run the company. Sure, the personnel chosen might well be top-notch producers and good with mentoring others, but might not be up to the challenge of actually running an established company.
What else would you add to the pros and cons of business succession planning? Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences so others can benefit from your unique perspective! Interested in learning more about business? Then just visit Waters Business Consulting Group.

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